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Magic Mountain , 356 S. Mission Rd., Los Angeles, May 2–July 3, 2016. Courtesy of the artist, 356 S. Mission Road, Los Angeles and Greene Naftali, New York.

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x + 312, 46 tables, 128 figures (8 in colour). The Lutz–Kelker bias is a supposed systematic bias that results from the assumption that the probability of a star being at distance increases with the square of the distance which is equivalent to the assumption that the distribution of stars in space is uniform. In particular, it causes measured parallaxes to stars to be larger than their actual values. ð d DW> d WZKdK K> &KZ ^hZs z^ dK ^d/D d d, WZ s > E K& /KD Z< Z^ K& /E& d/KE t/d, d, , W d/d/^ s/Zh^ ^ ò ^ ] o } } } Director X., Director: Across the Line.

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Även bedriva verksamhet inom lager, restaurang och utföra monteringstjänster samt  5 maj 2019 — Säljer nu min soffa av märket landscape från xxl lutz. Stor välvd soffa med extra mysfaktor. Ca 3,5 m bred.