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quotations ▽. What does memetic-hazard mean? An information hazard . (noun) SCP - Memetic Hazard Sticker. Decorate and personalize laptops, windows, and more,Removable, kiss-cut vinyl stickers,Super durable and water-resistant, Memetic Hazard. Ayyyy lmao alternate account.
A memetic hazard is the term used by Nero to describe an effect or anomaly passed through information. Regular memetics are a well known subject, including words and other ways of expressing ideas and data. They are ultimately harmless, as opposed to a memetic hazard, which are memetics that produce anomalous effects when stated or witnessed. memetic hazard (plural memetic hazards) (science fiction) An information hazard. A memetic hazard is something that, simply by knowing of it, causing mental/physical damage.
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There's one (can't remember the number) that when you look at it, you see the consequences This is due to the fact that it is considered a congnitohazard, and thus classified as a computer hazard and virus, too. Two seconds of exposure to a memetic kill View Memetic Hazard's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community.
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5+ years of basilisk baiting – Listen to Memetic Hazard instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. Memetic Mind Hazard[edit].
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The reason is probably twofold. One, the fanbase is notorious for their memes, with unregulated topical discussions often devolving into those. And two, the Hatedom is similarly crazy and will be sparked if any MLP material shows up. Think of it as another thing to secure, contain, and protect us from.
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Memetics describes how an idea can propagate successfully, but doesn't necessarily imply a concept is factual. Critics contend the theory is "untested, unsupported or incorrect". It has been labelled as pseudoscience by many scholars, making memetics unable to establish itself as a recognized research program. The SCP Foundation has quite a few of these, which are classified under Memetic Hazards. "Infohazards" and "cognitohazards" are similar; where one starts and one ends is very much a Depending on the Writer thing.