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LYFT NORDIC WINTER SLIM. Your Language: Your Currency: Welcome to le-vap wholesale . Menu Search. Account. Cart 0. Recently added item(s) × You have no items in your shopping cart.

Lyft nordic winter limited edition

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uppselt. lyft strawberry bloom. 699 kr. sýna hluti 1-11 af 11. flýtileiðir: Nordic Spirit Strawberry Slim All White Portion From 3,90.

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Lyft nordic winter limited edition

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LYFT Strawberry Bloom Slim All White snus is back, curiously just after the release of LYFT Nordic Winter Slim All White portions!If I, Moe Unz, had to guess, I'd say their printer received more crazy ink … ENDS Nov 11th (UTC) LYFT Nordic Winter Slim pouches deliver medium strength nicotine together with an excitingly fresh flavor that incorporates tones of lavender, berries, herbs and hints of spruce. All this in a tobacco free slim snus pouch for comfort! Available at your Snus Shop only for a limited amount of time. Hurry! LYFT LYFT is manufactured in an innovative, patented process. In our nicotine portions, you will only find the perfect composition of the ingredients, but we keep the proportions of the mix for ourselves.

With these pouches you will get an effective nicotine experience and exciting taste without tobacco. The slim shaped portions are perfect under the lip.
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699 kr.

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Its discreet nicotine pouches delivers medium strong nicotine kicks (6 mg/portion) together with a fresh and nuanced flavor that combines lavender, berries and herbs with notes of spruce and forest flora. The LYFT Nordic Winter is a limited-edition tobacco free snus with inspirations from the Nordic forests.