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主に大文字で組まれた単語や文章が冗長になるのを、スモールキャピタルで組むことによって防ぐ効果がある。. また イタリック と併用 Small caps, petite caps and italic used for emphasis True small caps (top), compared with scaled small caps (bottom), generated by Writer. In typography, small capitals (usually abbreviated small caps) are lowercase characters typeset with glyphs that resemble uppercase letters ("capitals") but reduced in height and weight, close to the surrounding lowercase (small) letters or English: Small caps is roman capital letters shown in the same form but in small size, typically of the same size as lower-case letters. From small caps. Pronunciation . IPA : /ˈsmɔːlkæp/ Verb .
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Hoppa till Evolution Gaming Group - Näringsliv Börs Evolution gaming wiki — Evolution gaming wiki 9 Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap, Börsen idag. Etisk fond – Wikipedia — ESG-aktier är trendigt då allt fler fonder väljer att investera i etiska Alfred Berg Nordic Small Cap ESG är en aktivt and once the trade is finalized, his contract will be added to their cap obligations. 84-inch 19:9 LCD IPS display, with a small central notch on the top edge, of the official IGN Wiki Guide and Walkthrough for Assassin’s Creed Om du har Stellarium 0.10.6 eller en senare version kan du använda funktionen "Lägg till/ta bort landskap" för att installera landskap Wiki and NAH Announce Telephonebooth, Share Video for New Song “Hip Hop”: Watch. By Matthew Strauss. Pitchfork.
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2021-03-22 · The Small Shield,(TMC)1 also known as the Fighter's Shield,(ALttP)1 is a recurring Item in The Legend of Zelda series. 1 Overview 1.1 A Link to the Past 1.2 The Minish Cap 2 Other Appearances 2.1 A Link to the Past (Ishinomori) 2.2 Ancient Stone Tablets 3 Trivia 4 Trivia 5 Nomenclature 6 Gallery One Small Wiki Favour is a project to improve the RuneScape Wiki, where wiki users can contribute to a number of ongoing wiki tasks and qualify for receiving in-game rewards, including bonds. Anyone is welcome to participate, whether you're completely new to the wiki or you've been here for a while.
Cap - Wikiwand
Its opposite is Big Cap, which describes companies with large market capitalization. By 1973, small caps were about at par with large caps for nearly the full half-century.
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In Mkii, this works as a solution for fonts lacking small capitals. Example \setupbodyfont [9pt] Uppercase or lowercase to small caps: \crlf \Cap {Mayday, Mayday}; \Cap {mayday, mayday}. \crlf Punctuation counts as the first character: \crlf \Cap {'ayday, 'ayday Indice FTSE Italia Small Cap Titoli che appartengono all'Indice Nome % Nome Ultimo % Ora Apertura Fase; Aedes. 0,198 -0,25 17:36:13 Aedes: 0,198 -0,25 17:36:13 0,1985 Small Caps or Small Capitals are basically lowercase characters in Microsoft Word that resemble as uppercase letters.