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He developed beliefs similar to his father’s and joined the Socialist Party in 1900. Unlike his wife, Mussolini did not believe in God and hated the Roman Catholic Church. Maltoni's father looked down upon her decision to marry Mussolini and did not approve of the marriage. In 1883, Maltoni gave birth to their first son, Benito Mussolini. Benito helped his father at the forge where Alessandro Mussolini worked as a blacksmith. He moved to Trento, in the then-Austria-Hungary, and worked for a local socialist party.

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He developed beliefs similar to his father’s and joined the Socialist Party in 1900. Unlike his wife, Mussolini did not believe in God and hated the Roman Catholic Church. Maltoni's father looked down upon her decision to marry Mussolini and did not approve of the marriage. In 1883, Maltoni gave birth to their first son, Benito Mussolini. Benito helped his father at the forge where Alessandro Mussolini worked as a blacksmith. He moved to Trento, in the then-Austria-Hungary, and worked for a local socialist party.

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Benito Mussolini. AKA Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini. Fascist Dictator of Italy. Birthplace: Predappio, Romagna, Italy Location of death: Mezzegra, Como, Italy Cause of.

Benito mussolini father occupation

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In 1883, Maltoni gave birth to their first son, Benito Mussolini. Benito helped his father at the forge where Alessandro Mussolini worked as a blacksmith. He moved to Trento, in the then-Austria-Hungary, and worked for a local socialist party. For the next couple of years, he worked as an editor and labor reader, gaining reputation for his views on nationalism and militarism. In 1912, he became the editor of Italy’s ‘Socialist Party’ newspaper, ‘Avanti!’ (Forward).

It's a much more personal one—these are my grandparents' experiences.
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Benito helped his father at the forge where Alessandro Mussolini worked as a blacksmith. Mussolini and his son Benito were close. He taught his son about revolutionary leaders he admired such as Karl Marx. Mussolini experienced a number of personal troubles; he had difficulty in finding employment and became an alcoholic. Benito Mussolini's father, Alessandro Mussolini, was a blacksmith and a socialist, while his mother, Rosa (née Maltoni), was a devout Catholic schoolteacher.

Birthplace: Predappio, Romagna, Italy Location of death: Mezzegra, Como, Italy Cause of.
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Blacksmith Alessandro Mussolini was a devoted socialist who named his son after Benito Juarez, the leftist Mexican revolutionary. Following his father’s example, Benito began his political life as a socialist. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born on the 29th of July, 1883 in a small village near the northern Italian town of Predappio in the province of Forli. His father, Allesandro, was a blacksmith and an atheist who was heavily involved in Socialist politics, while his mother, Rosa, was a devout Roman Catholic schoolteacher.