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The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2014, 118 (18) , 4803-4808.; Catherine M. Clavel, Emilia Păunescu, Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska, Arjan W. Griffioen, Rosario Scopelliti, and Paul J. Dyson. Abstract. The pronounced neurotoxicity of the potent antitumor drug cisplatin frequently results in the onset of peripheral polyneuropathy (PNP), which is assumed to be initially triggered by platination products in the nuclear DNA of affected tissues. To further elucidate the molecular mechanisms, we analyzed in a mouse model the formation and processing of the main cisplatin-induced DNA adduct (guanine-guanine intrastrand cross-link) in distinct neuronal cell types by adduct-specific Transplatin, (an isomer of cisplatin that has the chlorine atoms opposite each other, rather than on the same side) also forms adducts with DNA, but mostly mono-adducts. It does not promote cross-linking which is the cause of the gene replication process. The cisplatin molecule binds with a protein on one side and the DNA molecule on the other.

Dna adducts cisplatin

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5-FU. Bortezomib. Bosutinib Exerts anti-tumor activity by producing DNA adducts that can  The platinum (Pt) drugs cisplatin and carboplatin are heavily employed in chemotherapy Structure, Recognition, and Processing of Cisplatin-DNA Adducts. Kemikalier som bildar DNA-addukter inkluderar: acetaldehyd , en betydande beståndsdel av tobaksrök; cisplatin , som binder till DNA och orsakar tvärbindning,  Anti-Cisplatin DNA Adducts, clone ICR4 (rat monoclonal). Produktnummer. : MABE416. Artikelnummer.

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include enhanced DNA repair (16—20),alteration in the types of platinum-DNA adducts formed (21, 22), and damage tolerance, which could result from an inability to undergo programmed cell death (23-25). In order to more fully elucidate the multiple mechanisms respon sible for cisplatin resistance, we have established a series of cisplatin DNA containing cisplatin–DNA adducts compared to control, undamaged duplex DNA. The decreased rates of translocation resulted in a decrease in the association of the p460 catalytic subunit of DNA-PK As in the case of DNA interstrand cross‐links of cisplatin, formation of interstrand cross‐links in double‐helical DNA by Pt‐DIST complexes may require distortion in this biomacromolecule resulting in duplex unwinding, interstrand cross‐links of cisplatin unwind duplex by 70–87°[[37-40]] while unwinding induced by other types of cisplatin adducts is markedly less extensive [[34-36]]. Carboplatin is a DNA synthesis inhibitor. DNA synthesis is the natural or artificial creation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules.

Dna adducts cisplatin

Klinisk prövning på Pancreatic Cancer: Gemcitabine, 5-FU

Cisplatin is used as a chemotherapy agent   1 Jan 2006 Effects of gemcitabine on cis-platinum-DNA adduct formation and repair in a panel of gemcitabine and cisplatin-sensitive or -resistant human  13 Oct 2016 Abstract Cisplatin, one of the most widely used anticancer drugs, crosslinks DNA and ultimately induces cell death. However, the genomic  17 Apr 2013 Conclusion Our findings suggest that the cisplatin-DNA adduct level is the most important determinant of cisplatin sensitivity in HNSCC cells. accumulation were prominent features of the cisplatin-DNA adduct profile. Functional DNA repair capacity has been studied in eight human leukocyte cell lines  18 Jan 2019 Cisplatin interacts with DNA mainly in the form of Pt-d(GpG) di-adduct, which stalls cell proliferation and activates DNA damage response.

pilot of whole-abdominal irradiation versus doxorubicin and cisplatin che- DNA В is a stark way to assess the effects of DNA adducts on the  Peptider, oligopeptider, polypeptider, proteiner · Nukleinsyror, DNA, RNA för studier av platina-metallomet i maligna celler exponerade för cisplatin. Advances  of DNA В termed oligodeoxynucleotides В that con- tain specific DNA adducts cisplatin, whereas other toxicities were commensurate in both treatment arms. carbo- platin was inferior to cisplatin when administered IP [31, 32].
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The same held for the monoadducts that amounted to about 7% of the total DNA platination. By contrast, DNA adducts of the clinically ineffective trans isomer of cisplatin, trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), are not recognized by hUBF. DNase I inhibition patterns of hUBF bound to a 100-base-pair DNA fragment containing a centrally located cis-[Pt(NH3)2](2+)-d(GpG) crosslink reveal specific protein-DNA interactions in a 14-base-pair region flanking the adduct. We present here data on DNA-adduct formation by cisplatin, lobaplatin and oxaliplatin in vitro and in A2780 cells.

accumulation were prominent features of the cisplatin-DNA adduct profile. Functional DNA repair capacity has been studied in eight human leukocyte cell lines  18 Jan 2019 Cisplatin interacts with DNA mainly in the form of Pt-d(GpG) di-adduct, which stalls cell proliferation and activates DNA damage response. C) d(G-G)interstrand cisplatin crosslinks.
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The synthesis and characterisation of novel metal-modified DNA precursors for fuel cell catalyst development are described. Material precursors in the form of  Cisplatin adducts are Guanine-Guanine (GG) DNA intrastrand cross links caused by the chemical compound Cisplatin. Cisplatin is used as a chemotherapy agent   1 Jan 2006 Effects of gemcitabine on cis-platinum-DNA adduct formation and repair in a panel of gemcitabine and cisplatin-sensitive or -resistant human  13 Oct 2016 Abstract Cisplatin, one of the most widely used anticancer drugs, crosslinks DNA and ultimately induces cell death. However, the genomic  17 Apr 2013 Conclusion Our findings suggest that the cisplatin-DNA adduct level is the most important determinant of cisplatin sensitivity in HNSCC cells. accumulation were prominent features of the cisplatin-DNA adduct profile. Functional DNA repair capacity has been studied in eight human leukocyte cell lines  18 Jan 2019 Cisplatin interacts with DNA mainly in the form of Pt-d(GpG) di-adduct, which stalls cell proliferation and activates DNA damage response. C) d(G-G)interstrand cisplatin crosslinks.