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3 Feb 2021 Vivino's unique wine shopping experience uses community data to suggest personalized wine recommendations, make wine discovery, and  21 Feb 2019 Vivino is an app that allows you to find the perfect wine. This wine app is the Amazon of wine apps, where you can find thousands of wine and  30 Jul 2020 When Vivino launched, there were already 1,000 other wine apps available on the app store. Last week I talked to Heini Zachariassen,  Vivino is a wine app and online wine marketplace that provides users tools to buy better wine based on their unique tastes. 23 Jul 2020 Vivino, a massive online marketplace and wine-rating app, solves my wine quandaries on a weekly basis. When it comes to buying wine,  4 Feb 2021 Vivino, the popular wine app launched in 2010, just raised $155 million in a Series D round led by Kinnevik and with participation from Sprints  3 Feb 2021 The app and the company behind it have been helping people enjoy better wine since 2010, and now the startup has raised $155 million with its  With 50 million users, Vivino is the world's largest wine app and marketplace empowering people everywhere to enjoy wine to the fullest. Vivino provides wine   29 Mar 2020 The world's largest online wine marketplace and the most downloaded wine app, Vivino is powered by a community of millions. Their wine  Download fast the latest version of Vivino Wine Scanner for Android: Discover all the information there is to know about different wines from around the world.

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Founded in Denmark in 2010, Vivino app … With 50 million users, Vivino is the world’s largest wine app and marketplace empowering people everywhere to enjoy wine to the fullest. Vivino provides wine drinkers access to unbiased information about wine from a community of millions.

Vivino wine app

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Danska företaget Vivino med användare världen över stäms av En liknande stämning skickades ifjol mot företaget Winefinder, som sålde  GMWL-Vivino-131216 Det är en app (gratis dessutom) som hjälper dig att samla och minnas de viner På Vivino heter jag Mattias / Goodmorning winelovers.

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Shop Now All wines rated by our users Great offers right now! Show offers. Dive into millions of ratings Combining the best of the new and old world, Vivino is the wine app for everyone who enjoys wine. See the most popular wines, compare tasting notes, or explore wines by region, country or grape.

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Vivino: Buy the Right Wine i App Store.