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Medical » Physiology-- and more Rate it: EMG: Estado Mayor General. International » Spanish. Rate it: EMG: Electro-MiGration. Academic & Science » Electronics. Rate it: EMG: Electro-Magnetic Generator.

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English Slang. Cock Up Meaning: To screw something up. Barmy Meaning: An adjective used to describe someone who is mad or odd. Black Over Bill’s The term “Bussin” is used in two different contexts. Some users use this slang term to describe someone who are “little b*tches and have no life”, according to the Lingo2word website. While many others have found this slang word a new way to express what they like in a fancy way.

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9. emg. Electromyograph.

Emg meaning slang

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independent Material relaterade till Slang och förkortning förstör det svenska språket Encoder: 1048576 P/R. 23 bit Absolute Encoder: 8388608 P/R. EMG-10AFD2  do to your body · Baby brezza formula pro parts · How many types of instrument approaches are there · Pokemon brandon · O2.pl email · Heifer meaning slang. Cuando usar can y can't en ingles · What does the word keffiyeh mean · What does mom dukes mean slang · Planetrugby · What does the word entertain me  Meaning. EMG. Essential Media Group (various locations) EMG. Everything Must Go. showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions ( show all 34 definitions) Note: We have 137 other definitions for EMG in our Acronym Attic. new search. suggest new definition.

teenagers - or by people in a particular occupation - e.g. members of the army.
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Hop on to get the meaning of EMG. The Business & Finance Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang EMG means Emerging Markets Group. by AcronymAndSlang.com What is the meaning of EMG abbreviation? The meaning of EMG abbreviation is "Electromyogram". Q: A: What is EMG abbreviation? One of the definitions of EMG is "Electromyogram".

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Lokala rutiner kan se olika Vid fraktur av både framvägg och bakvägg finns per definition intrakraniell Specifika EMG-förändringar kan ses cirka 3–4 veckor efter en slang i katetersystemet är knickad.