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Uber-utmanaren Bolt ger sig in i matkriget - Breakit
No time for cooking? Don’t want to leave the house to do your shopping? We’ve all been there. That’s why we a) Wolt maksab tasu palgana, st Wolt maksab tööjõumaksud ja peab vajadusel kinni tulumaksu b) Kuller on kas FIE või OÜ ning maksab oma maksud ise. Sellisel juhul on tasud (tellimuse baastasu + km hind) mõnevõrra väiksem.
How to make an order with the Bolt Food delivery app: 1. Set your delivery address 2. Pick a restaurant and choose your meal 3. Tap to order and pay 4 Wolt makes it incredibly easy to discover and get great food, groceries and anything you might need delivered in your city. Whatever you’re in the mood for, we’ll bring it to your door. Just pick a restaurant or shop, choose what you want, swipe to order and let us do the rest!
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Grundarna bakom Kasai lanserar Dinin' - Sveriges - Cision
The app makes your life with Wolt easy.
Weekdays 10:45-13:15. Weekends 10:00-15:00. Takeaway order in link, Uber Eats, Wolt & Bolt Vegetarian & Pet-friendly
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Bolt Courier – Appar på Google Play
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