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PLOS Computational Biology is home to research on living systems at all scales—from molecules and cells, to patient populations and ecosystems—through the application of computational methods. Each year, we celebrate the impact our authors have had in these fields and share out the body of work that has earned the top 10% of citations. PLOS Computational Biology Year in Review. 2020 was a year of growth for PLOS Computational Biology. We welcomed new members to our editorial board and continued to publish new and noteworthy research from our community. Discover journal updates, top papers, and more. Articles from PLoS Computational Biology are provided here courtesy of Public Library of Science.

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The h-index is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given journal/author has published h papers that have each been cited at least h number of times. 2021-03-11 2019-05-31 Start Tidskrifter PLoS Computational Biology Forskningsoutput. PLoS Computational Biology, 1553-7358. Tidskrift. Översikt; Forskningsoutput; Fler filtreringsmöjligheter. Fler Stem cell and red cell biology. Stroke Imaging Research group.

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PMID 29702641. numret av den vetenskapliga tidskriften PLoS Computational Biology. publiceras i Public Library of Science (PLoS) Computational Biology,  PLOS Biology. Knowledge-guided analysis of "omics" data using the KnowEnG cloud platform.

Plos computational biology

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PLoS Computational Biology ISO4 Standard-Abkürzung: "PLoS Comput.Biol.".ISO 4 (Information and documentation – Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications) ist ein internationaler Standard der Internationalen Organisation für Normung (ISO), der ein einheitliches System zur Abkürzung von Publikationen wie 2012-12-28 · PLOS Computational Biology is pleased to announce the launch of a new collection of Education articles: “Translational Bioinformatics”. This collection is presented as an online “book” which could serve as a reference tool for a graduate level introductory course, marking a step in an exciting new direction for the Education section of the journal. About.

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PLOS Computational Biology features works of exceptional significance that further our understanding of living systems at all scales—from molecules and cells, to patient populations and ecosystems—through the application of computational methods. PLOS Computational Biology: New Articles A novel yeast hybrid modeling framework integrating Boolean and enzyme-constrained networks enables exploration of the interplay between signaling and metabolism Plos Computational Biology Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor.