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Happy Brothers Podcast — EP 11 - Burial At Sea, Lego Marvel
There's even a couple of coffee mugs that the characters can hold on to. The biggest surprise and one that will make the most media waves is undoubtedly Brent Waller’s LEGO Seinfeld set. Seinfeld is a massive pop culture phenomenon, and has a massive fan-base, especially in my generation that grew up with Jerry, Kramer and Costanza, whose characters still influence so much on TV. The idea for the Seinfeld set was submitted by LEGO Ideas user Brent Waller, who previously found success with his Ghostbusters Lego set being released back in 2014. The episode "The Package" from Seinfeld was playing, and after watching the write off bit, I thought it was completely genius.
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Om deze dertigste verjaardag te vieren heeft ontwerper Brent Waller het iconische Manhattan-apparatement van Jerry in LEGO nagebouwd. Het project is gepubliceerd op LEGO Ideas, waar mensen kunnen stemmen op sets die door fans zijn gemaakt. LEGO Ideas Seinfeld Als 10.000 mensen hun stem uitbrengen op de LEGO Seindfeld-set, dan zal Bei LEGO Ideas hat nun, passend zum 30. Jubiläum der Serie, das Projekt Seinfeld 30th Anniversary die Marke von 10.000 Unterstützern geknackt und der Entwurf liegt auf dem Schreibtisch von LEGO.
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What do you think of the three projects chosen by LEGO Ideas to become sets? Let us know in the comments!Beyond the Brick's Joshua Hanlon and Brian Saviano r Thirty years ago, Seinfeld, the "show about nothing," premiered and introduced comic Jerry Seinfeld and a cast of neurotic New York neighbors to America. The show has wildly impacted our culture: from spawning a generation of high-concept TV comedy to introducing sayings like "yadda yadda." And now, it's launched a toy: the Seinfeld Lego set.
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2020-06-30 This Lego set is based on the TV series Seinfeld; the show ran for 9 seasons with 180 episodes on NBC from 1989-1998. The show stars’ real life comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his friends Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michael Richards and Jason Alexander. 2020-06-23 Lego Sets For Seinfeld And Home Alone Are Coming James O'Connor 6/24/2020. 5 people dead, including 2 children, in South Carolina mass shooting. 2020-06-23 2020-07-28 2020-06-23 I år är det 30 år sedan det första avsnittet av den populära TV-serien Seinfeld hade premiär. För att fira detta har Brent Waller tagit fram detta Lego-set som innehåller Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza, Elaine Benes, Kramer och Newman.
thirty years later, LEGO
24 Jun 2020 Lego My Seinfeld ;). Well if Friends and Big Bang Theory already have it, then why not the show that hasn't a square to spare…..yes it's real and
16. Sept. 2019 Das LEGO Ideas Projekt zur 90er Jahre Sitcom Seinfeld hat innerhalb relativ kurzer Zeit (in 89 Tagen) die magische Grenze der 10.000
15 Sep 2019 The Seinfeld 30th Anniversary project by BrentWaller is the latest project to achieve 10000 supporters on LEGO Ideas.
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aber natürlich schon cool. auch wenn ich es mir nicht kaufen werde. Waller Customs - LEGO Creations, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 3,242 likes · 1 talking about this.
24 Jun 2020 Lego My Seinfeld ;).
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Made By Yours Truly. Article by Tata. Lego Movie Movie Tv Lego Tv Abandoned Asylums Lego Figures Lego Worlds Christmas Crackers Seinfeld Legoland. Jul 18, 2014 - Apartment 5A, as it appeared on NBC from 1989-1998. Kevin McCallister's tinsel-draped home and Jerry Seinfeld's Manhattan apartment have been crowned winners of the LEGO Ideas competition.