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Här loggar du som är administratör för ditt företag in och lägger upp projekt, rapportörer och laddar ned rapporter. Välkommen in på 2021-02-05 At Timma, we know how precious time is, so we develop services that liberate time for you. Timma is a platform for inspiration and bookings so people can indulge themselves in self-pampering services. For salon professionals, we offer an innovative digital salon management tool that helps them connect with their customers and focus their time on About Timma Our working culture has originally evolved from its founders trailblazing attitude, high expertise and easygoing atmosphere. Employee experience, shared values and open culture are becoming even more important as the company is growing. Timma for Professionals is a salon administration software tailored for the hair- and beauty industry SB Admin Pro is a premium quality, Bootstrap based admin dashboard theme built by the team at Start Bootstrap. Here's what you get when you purchase SB Admin Pro: HTML & CSS Files - This theme includes fully compiled HTML and CSS files for easy use.